Saturday, May 1, 2010

First trip to San Jose!

I have to admit the trip started a little crazy. My flight from Charleston came in an hour late, causing me to be late for my connector in Houston. However, I have to give props to Continental Airlines because they held the plane in Houston for me! I was literally sprinting through the airport, hopped on a courtesy cart and got to the gate at the exact time the plane was scheduled to take off. It was nuts. The plane was nice and big though. Continental offers DirecTV on the back of every seat, which is pretty awesome. I was so tired though, I didn’t not take advantage, so I napped.

My first day in San Jose was really fun. First of all, every street I drive I can see the mountains, which are beautiful! I woke up, took Corey to work, worked out, then went back to Corey’s work for a cookout. The plant manager at Flowcardia introduced both Corey and me and sat and talked to us for a bit. After the cookout, it was time for the house hunting!

I will spare all the fine details, but we really liked a place in Sunnyvale. It is a decent size and the price is good. It is also close to downtown Sunnyvale, lots of shopping and things to do. We also looked in Mountain View, Santa Clara and a last stop in Los Gatos. Los Gatos is such a cute area, it reminds me of Decatur, Ga. We ate at the Los Gatos Brewery.

We will be looking in Campbell today and hope to sign this afternoon. I hope we get to watch the Derby!

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