Friday, October 3, 2008

Me and my hot chocolate

It's 6 a.m., and for some reason I can't sleep, which is VERY unusual for me. Corey got up at 5:30 to go to the gym, his normal Friday routine. So I got out of bed for a second, but now I can't get back to a REM cycle. Of course the dogs are happy, I was greeted downstairs with happy faces an wagging tails.

Now I will admit that my mind had a few random thoughts floating around: I missed Lipstick Jungle this week! Don't forget you have the meeting with the Charleston chaapter of the AMA at 3 p.m. I need to vacuum and go through the rest of the wedding presents today. I need to go get toilet cleaner. It is getting cooler outside, I need to get some large mugs for my tea and hot chocolate. My mom is going to get me a pair of jeans, I need to go to the Gap.

I mean, who thinks all this random stuff at 6 a.m.? I am a bit of a off-the-wall person, but I hardly ever keep myself awake with my thoughts. Oh well, there are worse things. . .good morning Charleston!

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