Friday, October 3, 2008

Me and my hot chocolate

It's 6 a.m., and for some reason I can't sleep, which is VERY unusual for me. Corey got up at 5:30 to go to the gym, his normal Friday routine. So I got out of bed for a second, but now I can't get back to a REM cycle. Of course the dogs are happy, I was greeted downstairs with happy faces an wagging tails.

Now I will admit that my mind had a few random thoughts floating around: I missed Lipstick Jungle this week! Don't forget you have the meeting with the Charleston chaapter of the AMA at 3 p.m. I need to vacuum and go through the rest of the wedding presents today. I need to go get toilet cleaner. It is getting cooler outside, I need to get some large mugs for my tea and hot chocolate. My mom is going to get me a pair of jeans, I need to go to the Gap.

I mean, who thinks all this random stuff at 6 a.m.? I am a bit of a off-the-wall person, but I hardly ever keep myself awake with my thoughts. Oh well, there are worse things. . .good morning Charleston!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Ahhhh, the sweet married life! I can't say that it is REALLY different, but changing your name is a bit of a pain. Corey and I sent out the thank you cards this week, he was so great, didn't complain once about doing his part! We will be going through the remaining gifts this weekend and deciding what to use right away and what to save for a bigger place. We just don't have enough room in our current house to keep everything out unfortunately!

The honeymoon was fantastic! Nice is beautiful and so historic! There are extreme Russian influences, in architecture, restaurants, bars, etc. The French Riviera is the prime vacation spot for other Europeans, so it was a very international trip. We visited Cannes, St. Paul, Monaco (which is a lot like San Fran because it is full of hills!). We couldn't have asked for a better trip.

It was very interesting that the main boardwalk, the Promenade des Anglais, was developed in the 1800's, the name given in tribute of the English. The harsh winter made for several homeless individuals, in which the English proposed they build the walkway down the coast, which would be financed by the English.

This is our view form the top of our hotel of the Nice coast.

Corey and I at St. Paul, testing our photography skills. . .ha ha not very good!

This is Antibes, in the ramparts, one of the most historic areas in France.

Corey and I at one of the local outside bars in the Cours Saleya.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


We have started our journey into our new life. . .nomads in America. Corey received his new position at a medical device company near Charleston, so we have settled in Mount Pleasant, just over the bridge (whichever one you decide to take).

We have a lovely townhouse - perfect for guests and the dogs - which is close to everything! We have spent the past weeks getting aquainted with our new city, taking in the restaurants, beaches and history.

Three things I haven't gotten used to yet:
1. the climate. . .it is so moist!
2. the bugs. . .I had no idea what a Palmetto Bug was
3. job market

So here we are! Countdown to wedding. . .32 days (thanks Marge for the ticker!).