Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Drive to San Jose - Day One

My plan was to write a blog post each day of travel out to San Jose, but of course the hotels that allowed dogs didn’t have Internet for free, so needless to say it hindered my writing!

And as life seems to go, once I reached the Left Coast (as people like to call it out here) my days were filled with unpacking, figuring out the area, bills, contacting old landlord and new landlord, etc.

So here we go – a recap of Day One.

We started in Nashville, Tenn., taking I-40 all the way to California. It was smooth sailing in the beginning, until we reached Memphis. We immediately hit road construction on the outside of Memphis that set our trip back about 45 minutes. Finally on the road again, it was pretty smooth through Arkansas. I quickly learned, from viewing the landscape, that if you eat soy beans, they probably came from Arkansas.

Passing Fort Smith into Oklahoma, it was time to plan on where to stay for the night as we figured we would be heading through Oklahoma City upon reaching about 11 hours of driving. There is a microscopic town outside of Oklahoma City named Clinton we decided to get a room (the hotel did not care that we had dogs or what kind they were). Pulling up to the room, outside entrances of course, we put the GMC Acadia in park and proceeded to unload the car. I popped the back to let the dogs out, Mischa (the angel she is) waited until I grabbed her leash to hop out of the car. However, Bowden decided he wanted to get out at the same time and just jumped out of the car! He immediately discovered he “wasn’t in Kansas anymore” and ran for the closest open door, thank goodness it was OUR hotel room.

The town of Clinton was very interesting, apparently everything closed in the town at 8 p.m., causing us to eat the hotel’s restaurant food. It actually turned out to not be that bad.

I took the dogs’ beds in the room, but like I figured, they decided to sleep in the bed with me, Mischa on one side, Bowden on the other.