Monday, April 12, 2010

West coast baby!

So Corey found out a little while ago that his company wants him to move to Sunnyvale, Calif. I have to admit, I almost fell out of my chair when he told me that! My friends and parents are completely excited, and I can't wait to start getting visitors.

So the plan is for Corey to move out the weekend of April 23. I will come out the weekend of April 30 to help try and find a place, finish out my last week of work and then head out.

My first stop is going to Nashville to visit my parents and then my dad and I will be traveling out to California together. I am really excited to spend some quality time with my dad, wish my mom could come too, but she's not much of a road tripper.

I am excited about this new adventure and hope to start posting more than just one every six months!

I don't have a job yet, but will be actively looking. My position at the Charleston AMA has been filled and I will spend my last month in Charleston making sure everything is in order there, as well as at my current employer.

Wish us luck! Stay tuned for updates. . .